Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome to TWDR

Hello everyone,

this is a relatively new endeavor to me... this blogging thing. While I have always been a very opinionated person when it comes to world and domestic affairs, I have never sought to publish them to my own website before. It may be a bit too presumptuous of me to think that anyone will care to read my meanderings, however my intent is to create a page that will draw your interest and keep you checking back regularly. Whether that happens or not will remain to be seen, but if nothing else, this will just be one more outlet for me to let my ideas fly, even if they don't necessarily land on anything.

Anyway, the purpose of TWDR is to offer commentary on current events, be they domestic or foreign, that are important to the security of the United States and its citizens. This blog is intended to offer analysis and angles that cut through political spin and propaganda and present views that you won't see on CNN, Fox or NBC. I wish to not only offer my own opinions, but also links to articles and/or books that deal with the subject at hand.

We are in a tumultuous time as a nation. While bad economic times have stolen our attention during a struggle against terror, the state of the world more than ever needs a strong US presence to preserve peace not only here, but abroad as well. With a new President in Barack Obama who will take over for George W. Bush (who has been the victim of unfair character assassination, in this author's opinion) it is important to remain mindful that with change, certain things must remain unchanged; and none more importantly than our commitment to eradicate those who would do us harm. It is my hope that during the next 4 years, President Obama will find the wisdom to do what is necessary to continue that commitment. You can expect sharp criticism at times from this writer, but never confuse criticism with partisan politics, as I do not think that national security is something that involves the letters "DNC" or "GOP." My goal is to provide you with insight into global affairs and events regarding our security, and to let you make up your own mind.

And with that, I'll thank you for reading and I hope you return for the next update of TWDR.

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